Sekali sekala spend time dengan kawan-kawan main basikal petang-petang memang syok kan. That's what we did last week :) oh bagus sangat. Baru nak update di sini.hihi
Idea nak menaip, masa nak menaip,
pun boleh makan masa sampai satu minggu kalau tiada yang memaksa.
Hari ini tergerak hati nak menaip.hee
Konvoi ini under desasiswa cahaya gemilang tau. Since my friends stay in CG, so they invited me to join them. Asyik tereprap kat dalam bilik ppetang-petang. That was my hobby since tak ada masa untuk berehat. So bila petang je habis kelas, zassssss bilik ku syurga ku jadi nya. Okay back to the story, kami pun berkonvoi daripada tasik Harapan lalu kat area Kompleks Cahaya then terus naik ke bukit rumah our vice canselor's house :) Subhanallah. What a bigggg house beb! with a such beautiful garden. atas bukit pulak. Memang terbaik lah view kat situ. So start dari sekarang boleh lah bercita-cita nak jadi vice canselor USM hihihi hey that's was my dream okay, dont try to laugh at me! :)
Then sampai situ our vc was very nice person and he is so friendly with his student.
With a warm welcome, we felt so happy to be there.
Then he do a tea time drinks with us. Macam-macam ada.
Kami memang kaki makan.
Bila bab makan kami nombor satu di kalangan yang lain I guess.hihi
Dato also gives his speech while we are having our meal.
He said maybe next time we should do any event or dinner for our desasiswa and our school at his house. InsyaAllah Dato, insyaAllah we will.hehe Thanks Dato :)
then around 7pm we started to went back to tasik Harapan sebab nak hantar semula bicycle kami.
Turun bukit memang semua laju lah. Naik bukit mula-mula tadi semput dibuatnya.
Maklum lah culture shock lutut ni tiba-tiba je tuannya aktif pula petang-petang,
selalunya berenang-renang di atas katil! hee
Okay till then, thanks for reading my short story that was just not too short actually.
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